Day Six and Home:

On this,the last morning of our trip, we crossed over the bay and had breakfast at a restaurant Loretta had recommended in Point Reyes Station at the Station House Cafe (yum).

Loretta had warned us that the Station House Cafe was a known motorcyclist hang out and sure enough and much to my delight gobs of sports bikes began showing up just after we arrived.

Well nourished, we piled back in the Element and headed north. We were back again on Highway 1.

(for video of Ducati's passing us like we were standing still, click HERE)

We stopped often to ogle the scenery and it never failed to impress.

And it's roads like these that are just made for motorcycles...there can be no other reason.

In the early afternoon we merged back onto Highway 101...

...and into our beloved redwood groves.

It was a wonderful, much needed trip for both Becky and I and the new Element's shake down cruise went perfectly. It is a great car to travel with.

And wherein we saw many wondrous things, had some great experiences and ate lots of yummy food as with all trips it felt so very, very good to be home.

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